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Casino Deal – Responsible Gambling

We take our responsibilities really seriously – we review online casinos and their additional features but we only want our users to play and to gamble responsibly. For us, this means moderately, within the realms of enjoyment and never, ever, when it means putting everything on the line.

This page is dedicated to providing you with accurate information around measures that are taken by casinos and the measures that you can take, if you feel you have gambling problems or if gambling is no longer fun and has an impact on your life for the wrong reasons.

If you’ve come to this page, please keep reading – as there is key and vital information that could help you or someone you know, should they have any gambling issues – we’ve tried to keep this clear, free-from-jargon and easy to process.

Safer Gambling Week

Safer Gambling Week runs for a week in November, but this is something we’re committed to year-round. This cross-industry campaign promotes safer gambling in the UK and Ireland, and we’re fully on board. This is something we and our partners take extremely seriously.

It aims to drive awareness around the tools available to keep betting fun. The website has plenty of information if you’re looking for advice or guidance about how to keep gaming fun and stay in control at all times.

Online Casino Responsible Gambling Measures – Their Responsibilities

With full regulation in place, every UK licensed online casino will have a page or pages dedicated to responsible gambling, highlighting the measures they take and where/how you can access help. The best online casinos take this seriously.

Throughout the site at certain product points, you will also get measures available to you – on the deposit pages, for example, you should be able to find ways to set deposit limits.

Below are the key measures that the best online casinos will take to protect you and help you with problem gambling issues.

  • Self-Exclusion – Do this and you will not be able to access the gambling site for a set (long-term) time.
  • Deposit Limits – A limit on how much you can deposit over a set time.
  • Timeouts – Set a Timeout and you will be restricted from the site for a set time.
  • Reality Checks – Regular reminders of how much you have spent during the course of your gambling
  • KYC Communication – online casinos pro-actively check that you’re in control through their Know-Your-Customer checks

Regular responsible gambling adverts – through Social, TV, Print etc, all casino companies will have adverts designed around responsible gambling.

Which Organisations can Help Me in the UK?

Below you will find a list of organisations that are active within the UK for people who have or think they may have a gambling problem. They are all linked so you can go directly from this page to their sites and find their contact details.

All of these bodies offer support in a different way and they should be the first port of call if you think you have a problem at all.

For example, Gamblers Anonymous is a peer-led support group, offering support through experience, whilst GamStop is a relatively new directive that allows you to self-exclude from multiple casinos and bookies in one go, rather than having to self-exclude from each one – currently the number of operators signing up to this is increasing rapidly as brands fall in to line from a regulation and responsibility perspective.

Please Ask Yourself These Questions

Finally, when you gamble, if you feel you may have a problem, then use the questions below and please ask yourself them, answer them honestly and act accordingly:

  • Instead of spending time with your family/friends do you prefer to gamble?
  • Have you or would you ever steal, lie or sell assets in order to gamble?
  • Has your gambling meant that you’ve missed work or school or important events?
  • Is betting a release from a boring or unhappy life?
  • Have you lost so much money through gambling that you’ve been unable to afford food or transportation home?
  • Do you lie or have you lied about your gambling?
  • Do you lie about the amount of time or money spent gambling?
  • Do people tell you that you’re gambling too much?
  • Are you depressed when you lose? Is the only relief to gamble more?
  • Do you need to chase after all of your losses right away when you happen to incur a loss due to gambling, through gambling more?
  • Do you gamble more after arguments/frustrations/disappointments?
  • Does gambling make you suicidal?

You may have a serious gambling problem if you’ve answered yes to any of the above. If you’ve answered yes to more than one of the questions or even if you just think or know that you have a gambling problem contact GamCare on their confidential helpline – 0808 8020 133.

Alternatively, visit GamCare or get in contact with any of the organisations above and speak to someone you trust and can confide in.
